Nonconformist= A person who refuses to conform,as to established customs, attitudes, or ideas.
I have never felt the need to conform to anyones idea of who I should be. I have always been the kind of person who looks outside the box.
What about You? Do you feel the same?
Hello!! I love your "Lost in Time" piece! It's cool!!
I like to think I don't live in a box...LOL..maybe I teeter on the edge of living outside it...
Check out my blog--there is a new site with challenges, and they are based on belief in God--it's really cool!!
nonconformist, yes, thats me over and over again, i dont think i was always that way, i think lots of anger helped contribute and as i grew older, i just never cared to be a 'go with the flow' person, suits me down the a 't'
What a great post!
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