Cathy sent this card to me. She is a dear sweet soul who went through my archives and found out how much I love mermaids . She made this herself!!! She said she hoped it brightened my day. It certainly did. I was having problems downloading pictures tonight, but I want to show you the cards John got, so I will try again tommorow.
I want to also say I am praying for all those who lost a loved one during 9/11. And for the healing of hearts and souls still recovering from that horrible day.
I also want to thank you all for praying for me and my family. I felt so much better today. And I felt stronger. Having this blog has done wonders for my soul. It has introduced me to some of the kindest people I have ever met. Even though I only know you on-line, you have showed me more kindness than some people I have known my whole life. Just by writing a word of encouragement, and saying a prayer. Thank you all. God Bless each and every one of you, and may the God of Heaven pour blessings upon you in magnificent ways. * love nita*
I love your mermaid. How pretty is she!
I am also glad you are feeling stronger Nita. The Lord is with you and John during this very difficult time in your lives. I can't wait to see the cards. I sent him acard today. It is just a card not a college. I guess I thought I had to get to him right away before he went to rehab. I hope he is feeling stronger also.
I also hope your Elizabeth is feeling better. Hang in there my friend.
God Bless you all
praying for john's fast recovery and elizabeth's healing too. hope she's feeling better by now.
What a pretty card- and handmade too! I'm glad you're feeling a little better. John, too! Have a nice day!
Nita... thank you so very much for visiting my blog. I cherish your kind comments. I see that you have a loved one that has been ill. I wish him a speedy recovery!
Tracie Lyn
It's amazing how many wonderful people there are in the world. I think I have met the kindest ones through blogging. It's been an honor to know you Nita.
I'm so glad to hear you are feeling lighter today! I hope John and Elizabeth share your feeling.
Hi Nita, I pray Elizabeth is doing better today! I said a prayer for her. Bless her heart I for one know the pain of earaches. I have had more than my share. Praying for all the family.
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