6th Day
We have a bead shop in our town called, The Byrds and Beads.
In one of the "D's"a sparrow was building her nest. She would fly back and forth bringing bits of straw and grass and whatever material she could find. As I watched she finished her job.
She then perched herself in her finished home. I was amazed at this bird. She basically took nothing and made a home. She had worked hard and now had a place where she could live comfortably. I have learned from birds in so many ways.
You do have to work for your dreams to become a reality. They won't just come to us, we have to actively pursue them. And we can't care what people think of our dreams. I have often thrown my dreams out there before people who were not even worthy to hear them, and was bashed. I have learned you don't throw your pearls before the pigs.
Share your dreams with people who can help make them a reality. Encourage yourself daily by writing your dream on a card and read it aloud to confirm to yourself that it will become a reality. I do this all the time. I keep my dreams before me. If anyone out there has a dream they want to accomplish I am here to encourage you to do it. ~Nita~
Good post, Nita! So true. I like your verse and illustration. Do you do books? or greeting cards? stationery? I'm thinking of saleable items. This illustration is very charming and inspirational.
Blessings to you and John,
Linda: I use to write human interest stories for a local paper, and I have had a story published in a neighboring town. But, I have been a writer for years, I would love to be able to publish my work. I have a ton of stuff I have written. Thank you for asking. xoxo Nita
Lindaa: I forgot to thank you for the compliment on the illustration. xoxo Nita
This post evokes so many responses- 1st, I love the simple image and the sweet story behind it (how DO birds create such wonderful nests only using a beak and a pair of claws?!) 2nd, the scripture reminded me immediately of a paraphrase one of my college teachers would say, "Art talks, b*** s*** walks" when a student would come empty handed to class and merely EXPLAIN what they had INTENDED to create for the assignment (but chose to watch tv or party instead). He would have rather seen an attempt that fell short than no attempt at all. Thirdly, I am so glad to see that you are using your own handwriting (!) and not an impersonal typeface created by someone else. :) Your blog inspires me.
Nathalie: Thank you. I agree about the birds, how do they do it? God is amazing in His creations that He has equipped each one to be able to take care of itself. I agree with your teacher, you have to at least make an attempt.xoxo Nita
Nita, You posted on my blog... did you get my RAK already? I sent it c/o of John at rehab, since it is the only address I have for you (and there's something in there for John too). :)
Beautiful artwork Nita, you are very talented!
Hi Dear Nita, I love the little story about the sweet bird. I have always loved birds. They are a true blessing to watch and to hear singing their beautiful songs. They are truly one of God's most blessed creations. We can learn a lot from watching the birds !
God's Blessing to you and yours, Shelley~(*_*)~
Nita you are so inspirational. It helps when I come here! My work takes alot from me. When I get home there doesn't seem much left to work on my dreams. But I come here and my soul is replenished.
Vickie: Thank you. You are a wonderful person who always seems to be thinking of others. I pray God blesse you mightily. love Nita
Sue: Thank you. xo Nita
Shelley: We do learn alot from birds, and I think from other animals too. xoxo Nita
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