Sunday, December 30, 2007
Responsible in Websters dictionary is defined as this:
able to choose for oneself between right and wrong.
I wrote a post last night that I wasn't pleased with after I read it. I didn't own up to my part of the story. I want to do that now.
My post was about how I am going to lose weight this year.
I have tried for 18 years unsuccessfully to do this. I've been on every diet you can imagine and failed for many reasons.
I have always read that behind every weight problem is an emotional issue. I have to agree with that.
Also, before I write anything else, I have made poor choices with what I have eaten many times. I have a terrible sweet tooth. I crave sugar, and many times that is what my downfall is. I may eat healthy all day long and then blow it by eating to many sweets.
Or eat the extra piece of bread at dinner. Or nibble while preparing dinner.
To change a habit or lifestyle we must be completely honest with ourselves, or we will not change. Whatever the habit.
I remember many times skipping breakfast and lunch and then overeating at supper. I have also choose the wrong food when we have went out to eat. I could have chosen healthier food.
I accept my guilt over that.
But, I am going to change this year. I am tired of climbing stairs and being out of breath. I am tired of going to pick out clothes and being disgusted with the horrible selection.
I want to walk in a marathon. I want to not be embarrassed in a swimming suit. I want to see my grand baby raised. I want to be healthy. I want to be a good example for Elizabeth.
Looking back over my life I can see a pattern of when I first began to gain weight. I had seen a brutal rape at the age of 8. I began to gain weight after that.
I lost weight during my teen years and was quite slender. I gained weight after I quit smoking, and then a few months later became pregnant with Elizabeth.
Then, I had a very cruel woman call me and tell me things about my husband while I was pregnant with Elizabeth that devastated me. I lost my confidence at that time.
She knew that I had low self confidence in my looks already, and played on it.
But, ultimately we have to choose to change. We choose to be defeated, or fight our way out of our misery. Sometimes it takes us a long time to choose to fight. We may be so broken in our spirit that we don't have the will to fight. I read a quote once that inspired me greatly, it is : The only way to win is never, never give up.
It is simple. Don't Quit trying.
For all the years that I have tried to conquer my weight, I have never gave up, I may have been thrown off course, but I always get up and try again.
I like myself as a person. I just don't like how I have let myself become heavy. I want the control over my body back. I want to feel good about my body again. I hesitated to share this because it is painful.
But I thought there has to be other people who are going through this too. I am joining Weight Watchers this week with my sister Jamie and Elizabeth and our friend Anne.
I am ready to change..
I want to encourage anybody else who has not been able to lose weight, you can do it. We can do it.
today's song, she will be loved by maroon 5
1st clip
Friday, December 28, 2007
One day a week when I was in my 20's. I went about my usual activities, but I recorded certain parts of the day.
I would listen to the tape at the end of the day.
I would hear the laughter of us being silly. The sound of my kids playing, and fighting over one another's toys, that was very comical.
The sounds of everyday life. The washer washing, the radio, just the noise of life.
It was beautiful...I learned to appreciate my hearing more.
I took my kids outside one day and asked them to close their eyes and listen to all that was around them, and I did the same thing.
I said what do you hear?
C.J said, "I hear the train."
Austin said, " I hear a bird singing."
Elizabeth said, "I hear my stomach growling I'm hungry."
We laughed and laughed over that. But you know there were alot of times that the kids wanted to do that exercise when we were outside, and they learned to appreciate sounds very much.
Our lives are made up of intricate details that make the whole picture possible.
I have always tried to teach my kids to appreciate their hearing, their ability to see and taste and to appreciate life in general. And not to take those gifts for granted. Because they are gifts.
I hope tonight that you will see what gifts you have and rejoice.
Song tonight, House at Pooh Corner by Loggins and Messina
2nd clip
Monday, December 24, 2007
On Christmas Eve we always make tacos. I don't know why, we just love tacos and started doing it 21 years ago. It is just a tradition for us.
He always runs out and picks up everything that I have forgotten to buy at the store on Christmas morning, him and my Dad. It is their tradition to go together. Because Mom always forgets to get something too.
I am crying as I write this because it just hurts so much to be without him tonight. I am going to find a ride tomorrow to go see him.
You never realize how much someone does something for you until they can't do it anymore.
It is the little things that have gotten to me more than anything lately. The little things that I miss him doing. Like how he use to get the hangers out of the bathroom. How he use to help me walk the dogs every evening, and we would talk about how our day had went. How every Friday was our date night and we would go out for fish and then rent a movie and watch it together. I know John will be home again. And I am extremely grateful that he is alive.
But I miss him... It has been almost 5 months that he has been gone.
Elizabeth really misses her Dad too. He always helped her with Math. And she asked his advice about so much. She still talks to him on the phone, but it is hard when someone isn't here all the time when you are so used to them being there.
When I went to see him yesterday he was sad about how his legs had shriveled up. They are about half the size they use to be. It is almost impossible for his legs to be straight now. John use to have the most beautiful legs I have ever seen.
They are still beautiful to me. I always tell him he is beautiful to me.
He is not his legs or his ability to walk.
We were talking about how we would never be able to do certain things again. He asked me if it bothered me. I told him not really. The thought about never making love to him again did bother me for a long time. But I am resigned to the fact that it will never happen again.
As long as we can be together is all that matters to me.
We can still have a good life. It will be hard. There is no getting around that. But with God's help we can do it.
I want to help anyone else who is hurting , because
I know there are a lot of lonely people out there . And people who are hurting for one reason or another. You are not alone. Be encouraged by that thought. " You are not Alone."
I want to end with you are valuable, and Your life matters. Don't give up. Tommorow is always a better day.
tonight's song, dear mr. president by pink
Friday, December 21, 2007

I have received a few e-mails asking me if everything was all right because I have not posted for a few days. Thank you for caring enough about me to do that. It means the world to me.
I have been going to see John at the new Rehabilitation center, and I am just so tired when I get home I have not had enough energy to do anything else . I have been trying to get him settled in. His first few days there were not the best. But they are getting better.
He received his new wheelchair today. He loves it! He was so excited about it. His new chair is motorized and it raises him to eye level. He is not going to be able to get out of bed until after Christmas though because of his last surgery.
He has better cable where he is staying at now, and is thrilled over that.
I am posting John's new address for anyone who would like to send a card. It is: CCS Carbondale
306 West Mill Street
c/o John Zimmerman
Room 6
Carbondale, Illinois
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
My heart ached at the look of uncertainty in her eyes. It was also a look of "please be kind to me, I know I am old and sometimes repeat myself one thousand times a day. But I need love and compassion."
We have the choice in our lives to be kind. We also have the choice to turn what seems like devastation into a blessing. It all depends on our attitude.
I know alot of people don't want to hear that, but it is true. Attitude is a powerful determinate in how our lives will turn out.
There have been times when I have been so desperate. I did not know how I was going to make it through some of the situations I have lived through. But choosing to believe that everything happens for a divine reason, and trying my very best to have an attitude that "I will make it." Has helped me through this life. And having faith in God.
I have also taken scriptures out of the Bible that applied to my situation, and confessed them over my life. Words are the most powerful weapon in the world. The Lord formed the Earth by words. We have the power of life and death in our tongues. So be careful of what you confess over your life.
I am leaving you with some scriptures that I use often.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your
And lean not on your own
In all your ways acknowledge
And He shall direct your
Psalm 46:1
God is my refuge and strength, an ever- present help in trouble.
Proverbs 18:21
The power of life and death are in the tongue.
Psalm 119:10
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Luke 10:9
I have been given authority and power over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall in any way harm me.
If anyone is struggling right now, like I have for so long, over many issues, please be encouraged that God is there to help you. Reach out to people around you. Pray that God will send you someone to be your friend.
You are valuable and God does love you. You may not know why you are going through what you are going through, but just believe in Him who made you.
Monday, December 17, 2007
5 Things....

I was tagged to list 5 random things about myself by Red Bess Bonney at
but i will stand
i am bruised ...
but i will heal
my heart lies in one million pieces on the ground...
only god can sort it out
and put it back the way it should be
i have tragedy upon tragedy...
but i will fight
and i will stand
and i will not give in and give up
there is a brighter day, a better day
coming my way...
by nita zimmerman
today's song, true colors first clip
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007
And if you don't have a family it can be pretty depressing. My thought for today is this, if you know someone who has no family why not invite them over for Christmas dinner.
And if you are alone, and have no where to go, why not volunteer to help feed the homeless at one of the shelters. You might make friends doing that.
I want to encourage anyone who is depressed right now. This time of year is a hard time for many people, for many reasons, it could be financial reasons or health issues, but don't give up. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
You may have lost family members around this time of year and your down over that, it will be OK, this will pass.
I have a number for the Suicide hot line that I got from my friend Bill's blog , Dying Man's Daily Journal at that I would like to share with anyone who needs it.
Suicide Hot line 1-877-435-7170 or
It has been on my heart to write this post for awhile. So be encouraged and know that someone cares. ~Nita~
The song for the day, Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns. If you have time to listen to this please do. It will encourage you. first clip
Thursday, December 13, 2007
A Story....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas...

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Lights in the Darkness....

Friday, December 7, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Christmas picture with a poem...
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
John's Surgery Went Great!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I have been tagged by Danita at to list 5 good things about me.
1. I am loyal . You won't find a more loyal friend.
2. I am a non-conformist.
3. If you fell down I would laugh at you, but then i would help you up.
(i have a nervous laughter. O.k, i really just think it is funny when people fall down. ha!)
4. My favorite word is iridescent.
5. I am rarely bored.
Tonight's song, Love's Divine by Seal
I dedicate this song to everyone who is hurting right now. Who's heart is breaking from being neglected or not loved enough. And to those who are suffering through a hard time. I want to tell you " You Are Important, and You Are Valuable" And " You Are Loved" Love Nita <3
Thursday, November 29, 2007
He was very happy that I had asked my friends on my blog to pray for him. He extends his thanks to you all.
Hopefully by tomorrow I will be able to post something Christmasy. I want to post a picture of our tree. Elizabeth picked it out. She was going to get a pink one but they were out so she picked a white one. It is so pretty. We love it. Though we do have a small pink one for the kitchen table.
Thanks everybody for your wonderful responses, I appreciate them all so much. I am getting ready to go to the library and look into the book on tapes. I am going to get a list and take it to John and see which ones he would like. That was a great idea suggested by a few people.
Have a great night. ~Love Nita~
Today's song, I Still Believe by Jeremy Camp (i still believe ....)
First clip upper right corner
Monday, November 26, 2007
Please Say a Special Prayer for John...

I have known for the last few weeks that John was going to have another surgery. This surgery is called a flap. It is to close the bedsore because of its enormity. It has stopped tunneling but it has to be closed.
John just found out tonight that he will have to lay on his stomach for 4 to 6 weeks. He was so very down about this. We cried on the phone together. I am so incredibly sad that he has to go through this. He told me the weight of being in this condition has really hit him hard in the last few days.
I am asking everyone to please say an extra prayer for John and to please put him on your prayer lists. He is dreading this surgery and I am praying that it goes better than any one hopes. I also want to thank everyone who donated items for the Trivia night for John and our family. It was much appreciated. I have had the most tremendous amount of encouragement from all the people I have meet on my blog. I will never forget it. Thank you all for everything. ~Nita~
Tonight's song, Half Acre by Hem (4th clip) dear friends and gentle hearts.... on this scrap of paper
Please say a prayer for Elizabeth tonight too , she has been going through such a hard time with all of this. She needs alot of prayer now. Thank you.
I was just leaving a response to Katherine about coming up with ideas to help John through spending all that time on his stomach. I thought If anyone else has an idea to help John through this , I would appreciate advice.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
(click on photo for better view)

Friday, November 23, 2007
I had a dream one night that I was with God in Heaven and we were watching a little girl who was crying. The little girl was me. I said, "God please let me go comfort her and tell her it will be ok, and that she will make it through all the trials she will face." He said, " No little one, she will have people who will tell her this, and they may be few and far between but it will be enough encouragement for her to get through. And she will have angels watch over her."
So many times I think we forget about the big picture, myself included. We forget we are here on this earth to learn about God and that there is a Heaven waiting for us. Heaven will be so much better than this dump we call earth. All the trials we have been through will seem like nothing when we actually make it home.
When things are overwhelming for me I do give myself time to be sad , and I do cry . But then I think of the big picture.
Today's songs, Only Imagine and Homesick by Mercy Me
(second clip)
The top right corner has a singer that is so amazing as well. If you have time listen , it might bless you a bunch...
For everyone who left a comment on last night's post thank you. Your thoughts mean alot to me. One of the reasons i don't smile much in my photos is when i take self portraits i am concentrating on the position of the camera and i just forget to smile. But i am actually a big cut up who smiles alot. I promise more photos with smiles. ^-^
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Dream Catcher...
Friday, November 16, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Mermaid Treasure....

Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Tale of Mary McRainey
Her sister Ellen came to visit her one week -end and found Mary clean and dressed. That was the first time in her many visits to Mary that had happened.
" Ellen I am ready to go home." She said this to her sister very
Ellen didn't dare tell Mary that her husband had sold the house and left with another woman just a few months before. She waited until she got her home.
" Mary, I've got bad news, Evan has sold your home and left." Ellen's lip trembled.
"I know Ellen, I've known for a awhile. He ran off with Cheryl Miller. One of the kind nurses told me about it repeatedly." Mary's bitterness was quite evident as she spoke .
"I've lost everything Ellen, except for you." Mary sobbed quietly in her hands as Ellen wrapped her arms around her sister's slender shoulders.
The two sisters lived quietly together for 2 years when tragedy struck again. Ellen was killed in a car accident on the way home from work one night. Ellen had been the only family Mary had left in the world. Now she was totally alone...
Mary sold the house she and Ellen had shared and after the insurance had been collected she moved to a new city. Sand creek was 3 hours away from where she had lived with Ellen and no one knew her there and that's the way she wanted it.
That's when Mary began her gardens. It started as therapy for all the grief she had endured.She needed something to take her mind off the horrible sadness she felt on a daily basis.
Mary had a two story Victorian with 2 huge lots, and she completely filled them with plants. Not just any plants, but heirloom plants and exotic plants.
She also had the most amazing life like statues in various parts of the garden. Statues of people to be exact. When asked where she got her statues, Mary always replied that she had made them herself.
She had gotten on the garden tour just a year after moving to Sand Creek. During the tours Mary still felt a little lonely, but
when everyone would leave Mary always made a point of telling the statues good night. Because of course Evan and Cheryl were there, and the kind nurse who had taunted her relentlessly in the hospital. Those statues, so life like, so real.....
by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman
todays moon with heartache by roseanne cash
Friday, November 9, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Gift ( part 2)
The face was the leader of the midnight riders, It was twisted and bent and his eyes were blacker than the bottom of the well. She prayed for God to show her what to do. She knew her life was in danger and maybe her family's life as well. All the next day she sat in silence in her room, praying and thinking. Her Mother came to see her because this was not like her daughter.
" Heather, what is wrong?" her mother asked her softly.
"Mother I don't know if I want to tell you because I don't know if you will believe me." Heather's lip trembled slightly as she said this to her Mother.
" I will believe you, just tell me. " Her Mother said to her in a worried tone.
"I dream things and they come true." Heather blurted these words out hurriedly. " I don't want them to come true but they do. And I have had visions of things that were going to happen." She began to cry , and her tears flowed down her checks like a damn overflowing.
Her Mother wrapped her arms around her, and quieted her oldest child. " It's all right, I knew this might happen. My own Mother had the Gift. It is not your fault. I was skipped and only certain people are chosen from each line to have it. You must always use it for good and never for evil. I remember there were times my Mother prayed that she would see no more visions and have no more dreams, but God saw fit for her to have this gift.And apparently you have been chosen now too."
" Mother, I dreamed a man was coming to kill me and I saw his face in the fire. I am scared he will kill you and Dad and the rest of our family. " Heather could not quit crying.
Her mother took her in her arms and let her finish crying and then she said, what are all the details of your dream? I need to know everything. These dreams are like puzzles and you have to figure them out."
Heather began, "It was midnight and the moon was out, it was a full moon. And the riders had on black coats and they were very skinny. There were maybe six of them and they riding across the prairie to our home. And the lead rider pointed at me and told me he was coming for me. He had a tattoo on his neck of a knife with blood dripping down his neck."
Heather's mom thought for a minute and said, "I remember hearing about a man who had a tattoo like that over in Silver Creek. He was arrested last year with part of his gang for several heinous murders not far from there. They murdered several families that lived near the river. It was so bad they had to piece the people back together who were murdered to identify them. This gang is scheduled to hang in 3 weeks. But, alot can happen between now and then."
Heather felt like throwing up she was so scared. "Mom, what are we going to do?"
Heather's mom answered confidently. " I am going to talk to the sheriff over there tomorrow and tell him about your dream and tell him to watch out for a jailbreak. I know he will listen, he knew Momma and he use to ask her for advice. He is like us he believes in warnings."
The next day Heather's mother went to see the sheriff and told him about Heather's dream. He took this to heart and when part of the gang that hadn't been caught tried breaking them out the night before the execution, they were prepared. They caught the rest of the gang that evaded them the year before and executed them too.
Heather lived to be nearly a 100, and saved many lives with her gift.
Too many times people assume that which is different to be evil. When in fact it can be a gift from God.
by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Gift
Heather MacDougal was gifted with the sight.
She knew when bad things were going to happen. Some call this a curse, but it says in Psalm 25:14 The Lord confides in those who fear Him. She took this scripture to heart.
Ever since she was a little girl she would get the feeling, then she would see a candle in the bedroom corner late at night glowing ever so bright, but there was no candle in that corner.
Then the dreams would come. She dreamed of Sandy McNeils death two weeks before he died, trampled to death by his horse Winnie.
Those two weeks were the longest weeks of Heather's life. She told Sandy about her dream but he had laughed at her, then he called her a witch. She begged him not to ride Winnie for awhile but he just ran away. Then he was dead.
She prayed and prayed for God to take it away. She didn't want to see the deaths, didn't want to know the horrors.
But they continued. Then the dream that changed her life happened...
She had fallen asleep by the fireplace and the dream started immediately, like falling when your dreaming she couldn't stop it...
A band of travelers rode across dusty prairie in moonlight. They were traveling to her home to kill her and her family. Dust flew from the horses hooves and their nostrils flared. The men's coats hung loosely from their gaunt frames . And the leader had a tattoo of a bloody knife on his neck, drops of blood trailed down his neck. He looked up and pointed, "I am coming for you Heather."
Heather sat up her heart was beating so fast it felt like it would fly from her chest. Sweat covered her entire body , yet she was cold.
to be continued tomorrow....
by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman
tonight's song, Very Superstitious by Stevie Wonder
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Mermaid Chronicles (Mitzi)

Monday, November 5, 2007
Crystal the Narcoleptic Mermaid

Sunday, November 4, 2007
my dream...

I have been thinking about alot of stuff today. I do not want to hate. I don't want to hold anger in my heart anymore. I have a choice, I choose to love.
(click on picture for a better look)
We can only learn to love by loving.
- Doris Murdock
There is a song by the Black Eyed Peas, Where is the Love , in the top right corner. It is one of my favorite songs. If you have time, listen to it.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007
i call this angel......jasmine

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007
I drove home in the rain last night and thought about all of it. I miss him so much, we use to go to the show together and go for long drives and he would humor me in all my oddities. If he saw abandoned birds nests he would bring them home for me. One time at work he found a rock in the shape of a heart, he put it in his pocket, and when he got home he said look in my pocket would you? I thought he was just being pervie, but I humored him. Then I found the rock. He said your heart is never far from me I carry it around in my pocket.
Our life has never been easy. In fact there were many times I wanted to leave him for things he did that broke my heart. But I guess the point is, I have always loved him, even through the bad times, and there have been plenty of bad times.
But you never realize what it is like being alone until you are.
There are 2 songs that are my favorite songs right now. One is, Half Acre By Hem. The other is Nothing Left To Lose by Matt Kearney
If you get a chance to listen to them do it because they are awesome.
There is also a song that Hem does called The Beautiful Sea that is wonderful, her voice reminds me so much of Sarah Mclachlan.
I am carrying this scrap of paper....
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Murder in a Small Town
My daughter asked me how someone could do this to a complete stranger. I told her I don't know. I myself don't understand anyone who wants to kill another human being. Especially this way. Then there were rumors of 2 other murders which was really frightening as well. We live in a small town and it is a rare occurrence for something so heinous to happen like this. I ask that everyone say a prayer for this woman's family. That God would help them to heal. That He would pour mercy and strength down on them during this horrible time. Thanks ~nita~
Even though I did not know her I will remember her. She was a woman like me, a mother like me, Someones daughter like me.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
7 Facts About Me

I was tagged by Rachel at
to share 7 facts about myself, some random, some weird, some normal.
1. I karate chop the toilet paper to open it, and yell hi ya!
2. I wish I was a gypsy
3. I am a Christian, but I don't like judgemental people. My moto is don't judge me and I won't judge you.
4. I have hundreds of notebooks full of poetry and stories I have written but no one has read.
5. I love the smell of food as much as I like to eat it. And I love to smell good perfume, and flowers and pleasant things. A smell can transport me to different times in my life, and make me remember certain people.
6. I always fight for the underdog.
7. I love music and reading almost as much as the air I breathe. When I hear a certain song, same as the smell, I am transported.
I would like to tag:
Sheri at Blended Colors
Mary at Mary's View
Dawn at The Feathered Nest
Nathalie at An Artist's Legacy
Kate at The French Nest
Jeannene at Love Conquers All at
Maija at Maigi Madness
Sign up for Blogger Trick or Treating one post down.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Thinking Blogger Award

Sunday, October 21, 2007
There Was a Tree

About Me

- ~Red Tin Heart~
- I love beauty, whether it is in nature, literature or art. And I love music... My day feels incomplete if I haven't had a chance to listen to some good music.. I also love beautiful souls, and kind hearts.
all rights reserved. Please do not use my original art, photos, or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Thank You...

Made in Heaven
And for the Jewish people who live there. May God give them the strength they need to defeat their enemies.
Thrifty Miss Prissy
A Bird in the Hand
Jew Wishes {wonderful words from a beautiful soul}
Stories I Can Tell
The Feathered Nest
Treasure Barn
Annette's Place...
Whispers of Inspiration
Loved and Engraved
Robin and The Sage
—G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936); writer, critic
Whispering Hope.....(Sally)
Life or Something Like It
a time
when you believe
everything is finished.
That will be the beginning."
Louis L'Amour
Maigirlz Madness
Faith of a Single Mom
Morning Coffee
River Garden Studio
Hidden Art
Walk the Beach
Shelley's Vintage Variety
An Artist's Legacy
Life or Something Like it...
Blackberry Creek
Classic Charm
Abundant Curiosities
Holding Patterns
Joan's Journeys
A Vintage Heart
Susan Tuttle
Becoming Me
Artful Eye
My Little Cottage in the Making
French Garden House
virtue is doing it."
David Star
exert from
The Philosophy of Despair
The Quote Garden
Inspirational Quotes
George Eliot
Sharing Encouragement
The Daily Motivator
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Sepia Art Studio
Misty Mawn
Dying Mans Daily Journal
The French Nest
So why not make one?
Imagine This
Though I am surrounded by troubles, my God will preserve me against the anger of my enemies. He will clench His fist against my angry enemies! His Power will save me. The Lord will work out His plans for my life- for His faithful love endures forever.
Blog Cabin Fever
Live Juicy-Suzi Blu
Love From My Studio
Lavender Hill Studio
Can I Be Pretty in Pink
ATC Cards. com
Fiona's Heart
Joanna"s Art Journal
Our Red House
Vintage Primitives
Shabby Shac
Petticoat Junction
Mona@rch's Nature Blog
Gittin it Out of My Head!
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Bob Hope

How to Build a Fairy House

Minature Quilt
Janet Bolton

Quilt and Textile Artist

Miniature Quilt

Miniature Quilt

Miniature Quilt